Saturday, May 16, 2009


Some stuff to say about the story. Sorry for it being delayed, I didn't have any ideas for it. Now I'm just gonna randomly nit-pick some cliches and input them in. =]
Oh well, enjoy...


3rd July, 1973
2230 Hours

"Allison, what time are you gonna go back?" said Kristen
"Hell, anytime a guy takes me back to his bed, that's for sure. But honestly, I think I'm gonna go back at 2 this year. It's been fun with James and all but..."
"He cheated, again?"
Allison just kept quiet. "Hey, let's just enjoy this beer, aite? Cheers..."

Little do they know, that they're being watched...

"Dude, that chick is SO friggin' hot man!" said Aaron. "Totally!" agreed Carter.
"Guys, you do know that's James' girl right? I mean, remember what happened last time to Jeffrey?" said the wise-ass known as he-who-shall-not-be-named called Mike. Yup, he sucks at chugging while Carter pwns at it. Aaron has the car and skills, so yeah.

And what they STILL don't know is that the whole damn plaza is being watched.
*gazes at plaza with their red burning eyes that can shoot fucking cool laser beams*

"J'ai envie de tourner gai..." said Rakatan.
"Oh fait taire et parlent l'anglais vous ira faire?" replied Sapphiron.
"O' fine fine, ya twit. Wouldn't kill to use a lil' Frenchie here an' there, ay?"
"You are one wild brat, you know that, chap?

Sapphiron and Rakatan, although very different, has been working together for years in the Ordnance Clan. Their goals were to seek and destroy any opposing forces that they come in contact with on their patrolling routes. But this time, they had a special side job....

*to be continued*

Friday, May 8, 2009

One Lonely Night


Haven't blogged in some time, thanks Ima! Anyways, I'm supposed to be putting in dirty stuff into this chapter, but a friend of mine (who has a cute ass, btw) gives me a feeling I should do it next time. Besides, I'm tired after all that cake I ate. *ehem* Let's get started....


17th November, 1973
0100 Hours

As the moonlight shone upon Kristen, she started to move quickly and hastily. She was afraid that it might happen like that guy in a gimp suit said would happen. A gust of wind blew her hair and her papers away. She ran around like a headless chicken grabbing them back.


Kristen looked up at the old, dumpy, tree above her. *gasp* It was him! After all of her attempts on running away from him, yet, she is still stalked by him! And she can see his hunger of lust within his eyes, just ready to pounce on her. Shocked, Kristen can't move a muscle and is therefore, a sitting duck...

The man tackled Kristen down and....

*to be continued*